Values. Once you’ve done the hard stuff, it’s simple.
My coaching starts with (1) establishing and (2) clarifying your top values. It’s a powerful–and revealing–exercise. And surprise is often at the forefront of the learning.
Why surprise? Because we think we know what our value system looks like.
But when we ask ourselves the tough questions, we begin to understand at a granular level…
…What it means to name a value
…Prioritize that value
…Live within that value
As a leader, value clarification is an imperative. It’s your North Star. It encompasses everything you say, do and most importantly, model.
Living and leading within your defined value system is a resonant choice. As you might expect, dissonance occurs when you step outside of your value system. This dissonance comes with unexpected consequences–for you, your team, and your organization.
Often, a client asks, “Do you want me to define my personal, or professional, values?
My answer: “They are one and the same. Always.”
The moment we choose to clarify our most important values, they span our entire world and inform how we choose to show up each and every day regardless of the setting.
Showing up as the best version of yourself means living, and leading, within your value system. It’s that simple. And that hard.