

The past 18 months have shown that we all need to get clearer on what it means to instill, and maintain, them.

It’s not easy. We’re stretched beyond. Work and life are intertwined. Zoom is ever present. Dining tables are now desktops. And family meals are eaten whenever.

Put simply, boundaries are critical. We have to learn when to say “no.” The word is, in fact, its own sentence. And it doesn’t need an explanation. After all, we only have so much to give.

Through her extensive research, Brené Brown has proven that the most compassionate people have solid boundaries. They’re comfortable stating what is okay for them. And what isn’t.

Surprising? It was for me too. Until I learned better.

I especially love her acronym “BIG.”

B = Boundaries. I = Integrity. G = Generosity.

Set your Boundaries so you can live with Integrity and make the most Generous assumptions about people.

As a leader, having and demonstrating boundaries is even more important. Modelling is your most powerful tool. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge. And to honor your boundaries by taking care of yourself.


Soft Skills Vs. Hard Skills